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The Institut Curie public dataset repository


This site offers an access to the data released by researchers from the Institut Curie. Supplementary data (such as tables, figures, ...) and/or raw data sets (MIAME compliant to Brazma et al., Nature Genetics, 2001) are available from here.
It includes :

GroupGroup LeaderShort TitleData typeSpeciesMaterial
Université Paris Descartes, Centre Interdisciplinaire Chimie Biologie-Paris, Inserm UMRS1007, Paris, FranceEliette BonnefoyGenome-wide identification of genic and intergenic neuronal DNA regions bound by Tau protein under physiological and stress conditionsMicroarrayMouseChIP-on-chip
Institut Curie, Centre de recherche, UMR 3666, PSL Research University, Membrane Dynamics and Mechanics of Intracellular Signaling Laboratory, 75248 Paris cedex 05, FranceChristophe LamazeEHD2 is a mechanotransducer connecting caveolae dynamics with gene transcriptionMicroarrayHumanGene_2.1_ST_Array_Plate
Gustave Roussy, INSERM Unit 981, Breast Cancer Committee and Department of Cancer Medicine, Villejuif, FranceMonica ArnedosModulation of Rb phosphorylation and antiproliferative response to palbociclib. The Preoperative Palbociclib (POP) randomized trialMicroarrayHumanSNPSs arrays hGene
Institut Curie, Centre de recherche, UMR 3348 CNRSMounira Amor-Guéret Genome-wide shRNA-based synthetic interaction screen in Bloom syndrome cellsSequencingHumanHiSeq Illumina
Institut Curie, CNRS UMR144Marina GlukhovaGene and miR expression of beta-catenin induced mammary tumorsMicroarrayMouseAffymetrix Mouse Genome 2.1ST, (13 samples) and Nanostring microarrays, (12 samples)
Institut Curie, Service de Génétique et de PathologieJérome CouturierWhole-genome Profiling Helps to Prognostically Classify Phyllodes Tumours of the BreastMicroarrayHumanIllumina CNV370 BeadChip
Institut Curie, Département Medical d'Oncologie, Université Paris Descartes, FranceJean-Yves PiergaImplementing whole genome array for clinical use in academic centers: A randomized trial comparing neoadjuvant standard chemotherapy to genomic-driven chemotherapy in operable breast cancer (REMAGUS04 trial) MicroarrayHuman
Institut Curie, CNRS UMR 144 and INSERM U900, Hôpital Henri Mondor, Département de PathologieFrançois Radvanyi, Andrei Zinovyev & Yves AlloryIndependent component analysis uncovers the landscape of the bladder tumor transcriptome and reveals new insights into luminal and basal subtypespathological sections of tumor samplesHumanpng and pdf images
Institut Curie, Département de biopathologieXavier SastreHisto-Genomic Stratification of Ovarian CarcinomasMicroarrayHumanAffymetrix HG_U133Plus2 and Affymetrix Cytoscan HD
Institut Curie, Département de Recherche TranslationnelleSergio Roman-RomanUveal melanoma; BAP1; Everolimus; mTOR; Cell lines; Patients-derived tumor xenografts
(Mol. Onc 2014 DOI: 10.1016/j.molonc.2014.06.004)
Institut Curie, Inserm UMR3244J. Arturo Londoño-VallejoGenome-wide eNOS-DNA association in Prostate Cancer CellsMicroarrayHumanEXIQON LNA-microarrays (dual color)
Institut Curie, Inserm U900/CNRS UMR144 & RPPA platformPhilippe Hupé & Leanne de KoningNormacurve: normalization of RPPA dataRPPAHuman & mouseCustom protein arrays
Institut Curie, CNRS UMR 144Bruno Goud & François RadvanyiDeregulation of Rab and Rab effector genes in bladder cancer progressionMicroarrayHumanAffymetrix HG_U95A/Av2, HG_U133Plus2 and HG_Exon microarrays
Institut Curie, INSERM Unité 830 - Génétique et Biologie des cancersOlivier DelattreSpi-1/PU.1 activates transcription through clustered DNA occupancy in erythroleukemiaMicroarrayMouseAffymetrix HG_U133Plus2 microarrays
Institut Curie, INSERM Unité 830 & Département d'oncologie pédiatriqueOlivier DelattreRare ALK germline mutations in neuroblastomaMicroarrayHumanBACs arrays Institut Curie (n=3) and Oligo arrays Nimbelgen 4x72k (n=6)
Institut Curie, Centre de recherche, CNRS UMR3215,INSERM U934Edith HeardSequencing platform and protocol influence the results obtained in small-RNA sequencingSequencingMouseIllumina, SOLiD and 454 small-RNA sequencing
Institut Curie, Centre de recherche, UMR 3348 CNRSMounira Amor-Guéret Pyrimidine pool imbalance in Bloom syndrome
(Nature Communications, 28 June 2011)
MicroarrayHumanAffymetrix HG_U133Plus2 microarrays
Institut Curie, Département de Recherche TranslationnelleElisabetta Marangoni & David GentienMolecular profiling of patient-derived breast cancer xenograftsMicroarrayHumanAffymetrix HG_U133Plus2 and Affymetrix MG_MOE430 2.0 microarrays
Institut Curie, Département Biologie des TumeursXavier SastreGenomic alterations at HPV insertion sitesMicroarrayHumanSNPs arrays (SNP Affymetrix GeneChip Mapping Sty 250K Set, n=42 ; Affymetrix Human Genome-Wide SNP6.0, Set, n=2)
Institut Curie, Département de TransfertThierry DuboisPTEN alterations and PI3K pathway in basal
(Breast Cancer Research, 2008)
MicroarrayHuman23 Affymetrix HG_U133Plus2 microarrays
Institut Curie, INSERM Unité 830Olivier DelattreCharacterization of Amplicons in Neuroblastoma
(Genes Chromosomes Cancer. 2008 Jun 13.)
MicroarrayHumanBACs/PACs arrays (n=65) and SNPs arrays (SNP Affymetrix GeneChip Mapping 100K Set, n=27)
Institut Curie, CNRS UMR 2027 & UMR 7147Dietrich Averbeck & Alain NicolasSpecific transcriptional responses induced by 8-methoxypsoralen and UVA in yeast
(FEMS Yeast Research, 2007)
MicroarrayYeastMicroarray slides
Institut Curie, CNRS UMR 144François RadvanyiRegional copy number-independent deregulation of transcription in cancer
(Nature Genetics, 2006)
MicroarrayHuman bladder carcinomas57 Affymetrix U95A microarrays, 57 Human CGH BAC arrays
Institut Curie, CNRS UMR 144François RadvanyiVisualizing chromosomes as transcriptome correlation maps
(Cancer Research, 2005)
MicroarrayHuman breast carcinomas130 Affymetrix U133AB microarrays
Institut Curie, INSERM Unité 509, CNRS UMR 144, Bioinformatics groupOlivier DelattrePreferential occurrence of chromosome breakpoints within early replicating regions in neuroblastoma
(Cell Cycle, accepted, 2005)
MicroarrayHumanArray-CGH : 96
(Institut Curie)
Institut Curie, CNRS UMR 2027Marie DutreixHaploid-specific transcriptional response to irradiation
(Nucleic Acids Research, 2005)
MicroarrayYeastMicroarray slides
Institut Curie, CNRS UMR 144François RadvanyiThe FGFR 2B induces growth inhibition of human bladder cells
(Oncogene, 2004)
MicroarrayHuman cell linesNylon filters : 8
Institut Curie, CNRS UMR 2027Marie DutreixBiological detection of low radiation doses
(Nucleic Acids Research, 2004)
MicroarrayYeastMicroarray slides : 33
(Corning and Hitachi)

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